The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Pupil Voice

Agents of change

At EWPA we develop our children to speak out and to take a part in ensuring our school is a great place for all children to thrive. We have a structured approach to ensuring that pupil voice is heard throughout the school and that this is used to move the school forward. 

Leadership roles at EWPA

From Nursery through to Year 6 we have a progressive leadership program for our children to become part of. 

Nursery and EYFS

  • Classroom Helping Hands
  • Attendance Amabassadors

Key Stage 1 - Y1 & Y2

  • Playground Helpers
  • Attendance Amabassadors
  • Reader Leaders
  • Environment Caretakers

Lower Key Stage 2 - Y3 & Y4

  • Attendance Ambassadors
  • Environment Caretakers
  • Sports Leaders
  • Language Leaders
  • Reader Leaders

Upper Key Stage 2 - Y5 & Y6

  • Play Leaders
  • Reader Leaders
  • Children's Leadership Team
  • Team Leaders
  • Safeguarding Ambassadors
  • Library Leaders


School Project Roles

At EWPA all of our children are considered to be Agents of Change. We run three annual school projects based on pupil voice and the needs of the school community. 

The projects are introduced by our Children's Leadership Team. Every child has the opportunity to decide if the project of each term is something that they would like to be involved in. Children then apply to be part of the termly project by filling in an application form which is then shared within their class. Classmates then take part in a democratic vote to elect the person that they believe will be able to carry out the project successfully. 

Each project is led by the Children's Leadership Team, appointed Agents of Change from each class and a range of staff across the school. 

For the Academic Year 2024-25 the following projects have been planned:

  1. Road Safety 
  2. Happy Playtimes
  3. Looking after our world